CS 1371 Lab 2 - HTML

HTML Resources

One of your biggest resources for any knowledge about designing webpages or using any web language is going to be the Internet itself. By simply opening your favorite search engine, you can find most everything you want somewhere on the web. This comes with a large caveat, however. Any article that was written before 2005 or 2006 will probably contain some HTML that is no longer exactly valid today. Some HTML tutorials, especially from the 2000 to 2003 years will specifically tell you that you don't have to close all your tags, for example. Essentially remember that what the validator says is right is what we'll consider right.

Because of this, the pages that we've linked to below are probably your best bet since they are, as of the last time we checked, accurate. Most (if not all) link to because they have a tendency to keep are of their articles and examples very up-to-date in addtion to having a very wide variety of articles.