CS 1371 Lab 2 - HTML

SFTP on Other OSs

If you clicked "I'm Feeling Lucky" on the Basics page, you may have wanted the Windows or Mac pages.

Your Webspace

At Georgia Tech, your prism account comes with an allotment of disk space on acme. To successfully complete this lab, you will have to store files on this remote system. To get your files from your home computer to your GT account, you will need an SSH file transfer protocol (SFTP). As we said before, an SFTP allows you to securely copy files from a local computer to a remote computer and vice versa. We don't really have a client that we recommend for your operating system. If you don't know of one, you're probably best of searching the internet for one on your OS. FileZilla might work for you, for example.

We can't be certain the exact format in which you'll need this information, but you will need to know:
Host Name:
User name: Your TSquare Username/Prism Id
Password: Your TSquare/ Prism Password
Port number: 22

Transferring Files

Now, in the directory with the same name as your Prism ID, you will need to create a folder named public_html. This is where Acme thinks to look for your files. Everything you are submitting for this assignment must be in your public_html folder.

Setting Permissions

Files and folders have three permissions (See: More Permissions) for three kinds of people. The three permissions are:

Abbreviation Name Description
R Read Allows people to view the file, or files in the folder.
W Write Allows people to edit the file, or add/remove files to the folder.
X Execute Allows people to run the file, or the files in the folder

The three types of people are Owner, Group, and Others. You are Owner, everyone else will be Group or Others, so we'll treat them the same.
Owner should get RWX (Read, Write, and Execute), and Group and Others should only get RX (Read and Write). You will need to apply these settings to the folder named the same as your Prism ID, the folder you made called public_html, and every file and folder inside public_html.